Stanley Ford McGregor

How to Check Brake Fluid

How to Check Brake Fluid

How to Check Brake Fluid at Stanley Ford McGregor

One of the most important systems on your vehicle is the braking system. To keep you and your passengers safe, be sure you check your brakes regularly, from the fluid to the calipers and the pads. If you live near McGregorKilleen, or Waco, you can bring your vehicle to Stanley Ford McGregor for our brake service.

The Function of Brake Fluid

Your brakes operate on a hydraulic system, meaning that the pressure you apply to your brakes also applies pressure to the fluid in your brake system. That pressure is multiplied through the fluid to hit your brakes faster and with greater power to stop your vehicle in emergencies or just regular day-to-day operations. Brake fluid also acts as a lubricant for brake system components to prevent corrosion. Brake fluid is usually glycol-ether based, but some are mineral oil silicone based. It is essential to use the correct fluid for the health and life of your vehicle. If you are unsure which fluid your vehicle uses, check the owner’s manual. It will have information on all systems, including brakes, but it will also provide you with a maintenance schedule for maintaining your vehicle’s systems.

When Does My Brake Fluid Need to Be Changed?

You should check your brake fluid regularly to ensure fluid levels are adequate, so the system functions correctly. Like oil, transmission fluid, and even coolant fluid, brake fluid wears out and loses effectiveness. For that reason, it is important to have your brakes flushed and new fluid put in to keep them working well. Your owner’s manual will tell you how often this should be done, but on average, it is recommended at every 45,000 miles or every three to five years. Sometimes there may be a need to change the fluid earlier than the scheduled time. Some examples of these situations include the following:
  • Extremely high temperatures: Your brakes are used all the time, and if temperatures get too high in the engine, the fluid can get scorched by the heat buildup. Your anti-lock system and your traction control can also generate additional heat.
  • Extremely high moisture levels: Some brake fluids attract moisture, and too much will corrode components of your brake system.
  • Contaminants in the fluid: With use over time, particles can build up in the brake fluid and damage the system.

How to Check Brake Fluid

Procedures for checking your brake fluid should be outlined in your owner’s manual, but in general:
  • Locate the fluid reservoir beneath the hood; it will likely be sitting on top of the master cylinder. It is a small clear plastic or white container.
  • Take out the dipstick, and you will see two lines, one for minimum and one for maximum. The fluid level should be between the lines.
  • When you check the fluid, look for a color that should be clear yellowish fluid, though some will have a reddish color. If it is brown or black, you will need to change the fluid.

Stanley Ford McGregor Premier Brake Service

If you think your vehicle needs a brake fluid change and brake service, contact us at Stanley Ford McGregor to set up an appointment with our service department. Use our online service scheduler or give us a call today.