Stanley Ford McGregor

Cabin Air Filter Service

Cabin Air Filter Service Near You

Cabin Air Filter Service at Stanley Ford McGregor

The cabin air filters in your vehicle are the unsung heroes of your car, truck, or SUV. These filters are important to your respiratory health because they filter out pollen, dust, and other particles that often precipitate allergic reactions as your body tries to fight off the invading allergens. This is especially important if someone in your vehicle has asthma attacks that are triggered by environmental conditions.
The air filters keep the air in your cabin cleaner for you. To ensure that you continue to breathe easy in McGregor, Killeen, and Waco when you drive, you need the air filter services provided by Stanley Ford McGregor.

Filter Function

Aside from keeping the inflow of cabin air cleaner and easier to breathe, the filters also filter air flow to the engine. Air filters strain harmful allergens out of cabin air, but they ensure cleaner airflow to the engine, so it cools more efficiently. If your filters are too dirty and clogged with pollen, dust, and smog particles, air flow is restricted or blocked entirely.

Keeping Air Clean

The primary function of your cabin air filters is to filter the air you breathe in your vehicle’s cabin. The filters trap dust, pollen, smoke, and other air pollutants to keep them from entering your vehicle. Over time, these filters get dirty and clogged up from general driving, especially if you happen to live down a dirt or gravel drive out in the country where your filters must work harder to keep air clean.

Keeping you Healthier

As these pollutants and allergens are trapped by the filters, you can breathe easier. When your filters are dirty and clogged, they are less effective in cleaning air inflow. These filters need to be replaced regularly. If your you live in areas where there is a high concentration of dirt, dust, spores, pollen, or smog, your filters will need to be replaced more frequently.

What Happens When Filters are not Replaced?

Most manufacturers recommend getting your filter changed about every 12,000-16,000 miles, but some models may vary. It is best to read your owner’s manual and see what the manufacturer recommends for your vehicle.
If your filters are not replaced regularly, they become clogged and can no longer be effective in how they filter the air. This not only affects the air you breathe, but it also impacts the air that flows to your engine. If the filters no longer do their job, then your air conditioner will need to work harder to keep you cool on hot summer days. If the A/C is working harder, it is likely to wear out faster and may need to be repaired or replaced. This also affects gas mileage when the engine works harder and uses more fuel to power the vehicle.
Is it time to get your cabin air filters serviced? Make an appointment with Stanley Ford McGregor to get your routine filter maintenance done today so you can keep your engine running smoother.